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SERIES: Jesus on Money

Jesus on Money

As Jesus approaches Jerusalem, his long-awaited destination, he is talking about…money. Money? Money. As Jesus begins his last week, he talks about the rich. He talks about the poor. He talks about paying taxes. He talks about investing. He talks about generosity. On first glance, a peculiar subject, but Jesus cares deeply about the hearts of people. And money deeply affects the hearts of people. So, some of Jesus' last stories and teachings are about finances. Not because he has any interest in finances, but because he has great interest in the condition of the hearts of the people he loves. Join us beginning Feb 2 as we walk through Luke chapters 18-21, paying close attention to Jesus' words on money and what it means for how we live in this world and how we enter into his Kingdom.

February 2, 2025 - March 2, 2025 | 5 Messages

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