Meet Our Leadership

Jacob Armstrong
Lead Pastor | Teaching and Vision
Jacob was born and raised in Mount Juliet. He has a degree in Psychology and a Master’s of Divinity from the University of the South, School of Theology. Following seminary, he and his wife Rachel served for 10 years at First United Methodist Church in Murfreesboro, TN. Dreaming of a church where disconnected people could find hope, healing, and wholeness in Jesus, in 2008, Jacob and Rachel returned to Mount Juliet to start Providence Church. Jacob is the primary teaching pastor at Providence and the chief visionary, which means he preaches a lot in worship and gets to dream big dreams for the future! Jacob and Rachel have three daughters, Mary, Lydia, and Phoebe.

Mark Youngman
Lead Pastor | Discipleship and Ministries
Mark moved to Middle Tennessee in 2000 to live out a call to ministry in the church. He earned a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Friends University in Wichita, KS. Following two years of service in the mission field, Mark completed a Master's of Divinity from Garrett-Evangelical Seminary in Evanston, IL. In 2022, Mark received a Doctorate in the field of Semiotics, Church and Culture from Portland Seminary. He has a passion for helping people become deeply formed disciples of Jesus as he leads our discipleship ministries. Mark and his wife Jenny have four children Gracie, Myles, Olivia, and Beckett.

Dan Lins
Executive Pastor
A missionary kid from Kenya, Dan attended Wheaton College (IL) where he studied History and Bible. After college Dan worked at Tyndale House Publishers before enrolling at Wake Forest University School of Law. After graduation, Dan moved to Nashville where he worked at the Tennessee Attorney General's office and later in business litigation at a small law firm. Dan was in private practice until 2012, when he joined Providence as its second full-time staff member. Dan oversees the finances, HR, facilities, and day-to-day operations of the church. Dan is married to his much better half, Shannon, and they have two boys, Jude and Caleb.