SERIES: It All Belongs to God: Finding Freedom in Giving Away
It All Belongs to God: Finding Freedom in Giving Away
"The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” Psalm 24.1 It’s easy to feel stressed, anxious, and controlling when we think everything depends on us. But in God’s economy, there is a different truth at work. It doesn’t all depend on us, and it doesn’t all belong to us! God is in charge, and He has a plan. This series will explore how we look at our time, resources, and money. We will uncover three great secrets about how things work in God’s economy: 1) it all belongs to God; 2) the Law of the Harvest; and 3. how to be truly Rich. You don’t want to miss this series about finding freedom in seeing all that you have belongs to God!
October 15, 2023 - November 5, 2023
4 Messages