SERIES: Be the Light
Be the Light
At Christmas time we put up lights. On the tree, on the house… some way more lights than others! The lights make us feel good. They are full of anticipation and hope. They lift our hearts and prepare us for Christmas. It’s a good thing, because December is dark, the darkest month of the year. After a long year, many of us find ourselves looking for more light. We all need more light! This Christmas at Providence Church we’ll look at the most amazing story in history, the story of Jesus, the Light of the world. Jesus was born into a time and place that was dark and shone a great light. He wants to do that again, and He invites each of us to be a light in this dark world. During Advent, we learn how Jesus is calling us to share His hope, joy, and love with those around us. We get to… Be the Light.