SERIES: A Better Story
A Better Story
We all feel it. You may call it ambition, desire, or even discontentment. But in a world that can feel so broken with hearts that can mirror that brokenness, we all feel there must be something else, something better. What are we longing for? Where does that longing come from? What is the “better” we are hoping for? Sometimes we look at our story and see a next chapter or an ending that doesn’t look so good. The truth is—with Jesus—there is a better story to come. Always. Even when what we are in right now seems bleak, God is writing a better story through Jesus. In our new message series, A Better Story, we will look at those longings, ambitions, and feelings of discontent. We will look to the same One who fed the 5,000, walked on water, and claimed to be the Bread of Life. We will believe that a better story is available for us all!