Discipleship Groups

A Discipleship Group is a small group of individuals intent on becoming deeply connected followers of Jesus and are typically self-led. The following is a suggested format on how you can start one with others that you are close to that want to follow Jesus.

Before Meeting, Determine

  • When are we going to meet? (weekly or biweekly, day or night)
  • Where are we going to meet? (home, coffee shop, etc)


Use or adapt the meeting agenda below.

Starting Point

Share either individual or group scripture study. Consider sharing using the weekly sermon guide or follow a daily reading plan through the YouVersion Bible app.

  • How has God’s Word spoken to me this week?

Discipleship Questions

How am I SEEKING God?

  • Do I regularly attend worship? Am I seeking God through God’s Word?

How am I WELCOMING Others?

  • Am I regularly noticing others? Am I practicing hospitality in the church and in my daily life?

How am I GROWING in Christ? (and offering Christ to others?)

  • Am I becoming more like Jesus? Am I sharing the journey with others?

How am I RESPONDING by Serving?

  • Am I engaged in serving others?

Here’s how I need you to pray for me _______________________________.

After each person shares, someone offers to pray for the group and the individual prayer requests.

When all have shared and have been prayed for it’s about time to wrap up.


Confirm the plan for the next gathering, high-five or hug, head on out to your day!