A Circle of Prayer and Walk of Hope and Healing

We are excited to invite you to a new Walking as a Spiritual Practice event, Saturday, July 20, 9:00 am.

We will first gather at the entrance of the Hope Trail (facing the church, at the right, rear side). We will join hands in prayer before our walk.

You may choose to walk the Hope or Healing Trail or both.

As an option, you are invited to:

  • Bring a cut flower from your yard to drop along the trail as you walk
  • Find a small rock or stone and write a message on it. There will be a basket at the end of the Healing Trail. You may leave a stone or take a stone if you are in need of healing. 
  • Read and Pray along with the reflection cards provided at the entrance to either the Hope or Healing trail. 

Invite a friend and join us for the first, Circle of Prayer and Walk of Hope and Healing.

For more information, please email Linda McClanahan or Scott Spradley

And don't forget our regularly scheduled walks at Long Hunter State Park's Couchville Lake Trail: 

  • July 13: Holy Conversations
  • August 17: Praying and Walking with Scripture