Join us for our biggest Outreach weekend of the year! Worship Without Walls Weekend will be October 21 and 22. We have multiple opportunities throughout the weekend for you to learn about our ministry partners, train for ongoing service, or participate in hands-on projects. You can serve the entire weekend or just part of the weekend. Opportunities will take place here at the church and at off site locations; we even offer flexible opportunities for those with full calendars. There is definitely a way for all ages, stages, and skill levels to plug into this year's Worship Without Walls Weekend! Check out the project descriptions below and sign up today by clicking the yellow bar.
Volunteer Opportunities
Click on each volunteer opportunity for more details.
A Soldier's Child Mentor Training
Ministry Mission: A Soldier’s Child serves the children of military personnel who have lost their lives on active duty, while defending the United States of America. A Soldier’s Child serves the children of our fallen through birthday and Christmas celebrations, mentorship programs, and educational scholarships. Learn more about A Soldier’s Child here.
Details for training: A Soldier’s Child is in need of mentors and chaperones to attend culinary arts, horseback riding, and hunting/fishing camps with A Soldier’s Child staff and children throughout the year. All backgrounds and skill-sets are welcome to be mentors; A Soldier's Child is specifically needing trained nurses to attend their trips too. If you are interested in working with A Soldier’s Child children on these trips, attend this training to learn more about the program and how you can get involved! Training will be led by A Soldier’s Child President and founder, Daryl Mackin.
Location: Providence Church
Date: Saturday, October 21
Time: 9:00 -11:00 am
Compassionate Hands Winter Shelter Season Info Session
Ministry Mission: Compassionate Hands provides nightly shelter during the winter months for those experiencing homelessness in Wilson County. Learn more about Compassionate Hands here.
Details for training: Compassionate Hands requires 175 volunteer hours each night during Winter Shelter Season; stop by the Student Room to learn more about all of the volunteer opportunities available at Wilson County’s only homeless shelter! Info session will be led by John Grant, Compassionate Hands Executive Director.
Location: Providence Church
Date: Sunday, October 22
Time: 9:00 am, 10:30 am & 12:00 pm
El Porvenir Walk for Water
Ministry Mission: El Porvenir assists rural Nicaraguans to develop and implement lasting projects and educational programs that increase access to clean water.
Details for project: Rural Nicaraguans walk 3.6 miles a day to obtain clean water from the nearest well. Join El Porvenir’s Walk for Water event! Providence Church will make a financial contribution for each person who commits to walking 3.6 miles any time throughout our Worship Without Walls weeknd.
Foster Care WRAP Team Training
Ministry Mission: We have several families in our church that serve as foster families. A Foster Family WRAP Team comes alongside these families to support them during their fostering season through writing cards of encouragement, providing respite care and acts of helpful service, and interceding for them through prayer.
Details for training: If you are interested in serving on a Foster Care WRAP team, please attend this training to learn more about Foster Care in Wilson County, Trauma-Informed practices, and the specific roles of a WRAP team member. Training will be led by Jenny Sanders, Director of Foster180.
Location: Providence Church
Date: Saturday, October 21
Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Global Missions Interest Meeting
Ministry Mission: Are you interested in participating in a mission trip with Providence Church? We are excited to serve through regional and global mission trips with several of our ministry partners in 2024!
Details for project: Stop by the Connect Area between any of our church services on Sunday, October 22 to pick up more information about mission trip opportunities.
Location: Providence Church
Date: Sunday, October 22
Habitat for Humanity Build (REGISTRATION FULL)
Ministry Mission: Habitat for Humanity builds new, quality, affordable homes for hardworking men and women in Wilson County. Learn more about Habitat for Humanity here.
Details for project: Help finish out the newest Habitat House in Wilson County by joining the Providence Church team on Saturday, October 21. Project work will include putting finishing touches on the house and landscaping.
Location: Wilson County Habitat Build Site
Date: Saturday, October 21
Time: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Moms Loving Moms Box Build
Ministry Mission: Moms Loving Moms is a nonprofit organization based in Rutherford County that provides free postpartum kits to new and expecting moms to help aid in postpartum recovery. Each kit is packed full of postpartum essentials and includes free postpartum counseling services. Moms Loving Moms also hosts educational seminars and hopes to build strong communities of moms living out their motherhood journeys. Learn more about Moms Loving Moms here.
Details for project: Learn more about this amazing organization, ways they are moving into Wilson County, and help put together postpartum kits at the Moms Loving Moms Barn!
Location: Moms Loving Moms Barn, 5170 Rocky Fork Road, Smyrna
Date: Saturday, October 21
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Mt. Juliet Help Center Monthly Food Collection (REGISTRATION FULL)
Ministry Mission: Mt. Juliet Help Center is dedicated to providing temporary and emergency food, utility, and clothing assistance to families in western Wilson County. Learn more about Mt. Juliet Help Center here.
Details for project: Providence Church hosts the largest food collection for the Mt. Juliet Help Center each month! Sign up to be part of our October collection day!
Location: Providence Church Front Lawn & MJHC
Date: Sunday, October 22
Time: 7:30 - 8:15 am at Prov church; 9:00 - 9:45 am at Prov Church; 10:30 - 11:15 am at Prov Church; 11:30 am - 12:15 pm at MJHC
Rest Stop Ministries Volunteer Training
Ministry Mission: Rest Stop Ministries exists to comprehensively restore female survivors of domestic sex trafficking and stop the oppression of sex trafficking. Learn more about Rest Stop Ministries here.
Details for training: Rest Stop Ministries provides a great volunteer orientation for those looking to serve on their transportation team, programming team, property & grounds team, administrative team, or prayer team. Join us for a thorough training to learn more about Rest Stop Ministries and volunteer engagement! Training will be led by Claire Greene, Director of Development at Rest Stop Ministries.
Location: Providence Church
Date: Saturday, October 21
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Rise Against Hunger Event (REGISTRATION FULL)
Ministry Mission: Rise Against Hunger strives to alleviate hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives, and responding to emergencies around the world. Learn more about Rise Against Hunger here.
Details for project: Providence Church is partnering with Rise Against Hunger to host a feeding event in our community! This high-energy event provides a fun, educational way for groups to literally lend a hand to people facing hunger across the globe. Rise Against Hunger combines an assembly line process to bag over 13,000 meals with an educational experience to make a huge impact worldwide.
Location: Rutland Elementary Building B Gym
Date: Saturday, October 21
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Rutland Reading Buddies Training
Ministry Mission: Rutland Elementary Reading Buddies meet with kindergarten and 1st grade students weekly to work on reading skills and build relationships!
Details for Project: If you are interested in serving as a Rutland Reading Buddy, please attend this training to go over the details, lesson ideas, and to tour the school building. Training will be led by Eve Southworth, Providence Church Director of Outreach
Location: Rutland Elementary Building B
Date: Saturday, October 21
Time: 1:30 - 2:30 pm
Wilson Rides Cards & Gift Bag Assembly
Ministry Mission: Wilson Rides helps to preserve the quality of life and foster a connected community for older adults in Wilson County by providing safe transportations to local destinations. Learn more about Wilson Rides here.
Details for project: Help make Thanksgiving Cards and put together gift bags for Wilson Rides riders and drivers!
Location: Providence Church
Date: Saturday, October 21
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Donation Opportunities
Registration for these events are not required. Click on each donation opportunity for more details.
Mt. Juliet Help Center
The Mt. Juliet Help Center is dedicated to providing temporary and emergency food, utility, and clothing assistance to families in western Wilson County. Through Worship Without Walls, we invite you to pack 2 to 3 bags of non-perishable food to bring in on October 22.
Snack Collections for Wilson County Schools
Ministry Mission: Many Wilson County Schools programs collect snacks for students in Wilson County throughout the year. This is the most needed food item in the schools at this time.
Details for project: We will be collecting snack items in the lobby on Sunday, October 22 for the Wilson County Family Resource Center, Bary Tatum Academy’s Adult Learning Programs, Wilson County Schools School Counselors, and Wilson County Schools School Resource Officers. Snacks needed include granola bars, applesauce cups, cheese crackers, cereal bars, pop tarts, and individual size chips and pretzels.