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Providence Trails


We are so glad you decided to take a hike or leisurely walk here.

As you walk along the Providence Church Trails you will see small numbered signs or stations we use with some of the meditations. There are benches along the trails where you can sit and reflect, journal, sketch or just be in nature.

We pray this is a sacred space for you.  A place where God meets you and refreshes your soul.

Suggested Listening

Here are some suggestions for listening as you enjoy the trails.

Prayers & Meditations

Caring for the Trails

We ask for your help in keeping the trails clean. Our hope is the only thing left behind will be your footprints. To help achieve this goal, we've placed trash cans at the East Entrance and Main Entrance for your convenience.

You may see various small animals and deer moving about, although it's tempting, please refrain from feeding or petting them. During Summer months the trails do have mosquitoes and ticks so we recommend using spray.

We also ask that you not pick the flowers or remove plants. Some of the beautiful wildflowers you'll encounter are considered endangered here in Tennessee, and our desire is for them to thrive in this little wooded sacred space.


Special thanks to:

  • Jeff Loper for the original vision for the Trails and who designed and created our TrailHead signs.
  • The many volunteers who visit regularly and come to weed and mulch the trails.
  • Ed Rockensock and Steve Prosch who built the bridge over the stream at station 5.
  • Caleb Wyatt who built the bridge to station 4 for his Eagle Scout project.
  • Kolbe Walling who built the benches for his Eagle Scout project.