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ProvKIDS Club

ProvKIDS Club

MONDAY NIGHTS | 5:30 – 7:30 PM | MAR 17 – APR 28

ProvKIDS Club is a place for Kindergarten–5th graders to explore the Bible, pray together, play, and engage in fun, creative activities. This session will focus on miracles and conclude with a ProvKIDS Worship Night performance on Thursday, May 1. We will not be meeting on Monday, Apr 21 due to Easter.

Registration is required as classes will be limited in size. Please register each child separately.

Our parent-supported ProvKIDS Club gives children the chance to grow deeper in faith and relationships while having FUN! Please consider signing up to volunteer for a night or two when you register your child.



5:30 – Check-in and pizza/snacks
6:00 – Classes begin
7:30 – Pick-up