Serving from a Meek Spirit
By Regina Girten, Pastor of Outreach

I would never normally describe myself as meek. In the general understanding of the word, I am quite the opposite. I'm loud. I talk a lot. I like to act and meet real needs in real time. I move quickly. But in this season, I have been quiet. I have met real needs in real time, but slowly. A lot has paused. I would say, I am in a season of learning where I am actually meek.
In my early twenties I started a non-profit with a friend called Firefleyes. Our mission was seeking to bring light to dark places through the power of the creative arts and sports. We partnered with an orphanage in Sierra Leone, West Africa providing creative arts supplies and sports equipment. We put on dance parties, talent shows, provided baby dolls, baby blankets and Tylenol to the children's hospital in the capital city. While serving there we did a lot of bright and fun things. But we also saw intense poverty. Saw a lot of incredibly ill and dying children. It was a lot to take in.
When I came home from those travels I passionately and loudly proclaimed all I had seen, and I found myself incredibly angry when someone did not get on board to support this mission. Could they not see? Did they not know these children needed rescuing? I felt like Jesus turning over the tables in the temple.
Pastor Jacob said in his sermon this week, “The meek one gets angry. But they get angry for the right reason against the right person in the right way for the right length of time.” After I returned from Sierra Leone, I had a friend say to me, "Regina, people will start hearing you when you stop screaming so loudly." Ouch. That really hit home. I was speaking from a place where, actually, I needed a little rescuing. I needed to sit and be still before Jesus to allow God to order my words and steps. I needed to glean wisdom from the experiences God had given me and be a little more . . . meek.
We all could say we need to be rescued from this season. As we continue through this season, how can we sit and be still before Jesus and find rest? No matter where you are right now, I believe God can rescue you. I believe if you submit to Jesus, God will guide you where to serve. I believe that in all of the amazing outreach Providence Church does, we aren't actually rescuing anyone . . . God is rescuing you and me. God is the one who rescues those we serve. We just get to be the vessel God uses. But first, we must rest.
I'll leave this blessing for you. Will you pray these words with me?
Dear Jesus, in Matthew 11.28-29 you said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Humble us. Breathe peace on our hearts and minds. We are weary, carrying heavy loads on our shoulders. We know that only you can calm these storms. Bring healing to our land and to our souls. Allow us to be meek before you so that we may see where you are guiding us to serve. Amen.