Seeing Meekness in Those around Us
By Lindsay Williamson, Director of Children's Ministries

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. (Matthew 5.4 NIV)
Jesus was the perfect example for what it looks like to be meek. He had more power than we could imagine, more power than any superhero you’ve ever heard of. But he kept it under control because he was so in love with God, he didn’t want to do anything but what God had planned. He entered the world as a lowly baby in a lowly manger. On Palm Sunday he rode into town on a lowly donkey when he deserved a golden chariot. He was gentle with his response when the soldiers and crowd mocked him and beat him. He was humble, putting us first by dying on the cross so that we could have a relationship with God.
We asked some ProvKIDS, Who is someone you know who shows the characteristic of being meek: showing humility, gentleness, or lowliness (not prideful?)
Teachers and healthcare workers. They put other people before themselves by teaching others and taking care of the sick and wounded. (Gaines Odom - age 11)
My grandparents because they take care of me (Ella Jo Odom - age 6)
My mom because, she is very humble, sweet, she doesn't shout out answers, she lets us figure them out. If she needs to do something but her grandmother needs something she would take care of her grandmother first. She thinks that everyone is great, and she will help anyone who needs it.
(Will Odom - age 9)
My friend Talon, if he wins a game he will go around to a bunch of people saying good game. (Ben Jensen - age 9)
My teacher Mrs Devlin, because she is pretty nice and doesn’t yell unless she has to. (Nate Jensen - age 7)
Travis [his cub scout leader] is nice because he always talks to me, even when he is busy, and Maggie [Will’s cat] unless you pull her tail. (Will Jensen - age 4)
Here are some questions for reflection or to connect with others in conversation:
Who is someone you know who displays the characteristic of being meek?
What can you do today to show humility, gentleness, or lowliness?
Read other stories from Jesus’ life. How did he show meekness then?