Jesus Is Risen… and Alive in Our Small Groups.
By Joy Dodge, Director of Connections

He is risen indeed! On Easter Sunday Pastor Jacob reminded us all that even when you have feelings of grief, fear, and doubt, Jesus meets you right where you are. You are not alone.
The EnneaFam (or "Enneagram Families") small group recently shared how remaining connected with each other helps them combat those feelings of grief, fear, and doubt.
One member shared, "During this time of unknown, it’s been truly comforting to have the relationship with my group. While the 'normalcy' in our lives has greatly changed, the friendships and love in our small group hasn’t. We have found ways to communicate differently, still have fun, and I see God’s doing in putting us all together months ago.”
The men in this group have also started having daily morning meetings to support each other. "Our morning men’s huddles and group evening calls have given an incredible sense of connectedness and been a source of laughter and joy during this period. And frankly, the presence of the fellow men, especially, in my life now have helped me lean into my faith, prayer, and relationship with God all the more.”
“What we are going through is bizarre, and having a God-centered group to connect with is more valuable than reaching out to 'regular friends.' Communication is so important right now and the men's huddles are a great way to kick off my day. Small groups are great and important, but this specific group is redefining what a small group is.”
What a beautiful representation of how community bring us together!
If you are not in a small group, or if your small group needs help meeting online with Zoom, please contact Joy Dodge, Director of Connections, or Pastor Mark Youngman.