Holy Week For Students At Home
By Pierce Drake

The Providence Students Team has worked to provide your students with special opportunities throughout Holy Week. The selected scriptures walk with Jesus through this pivotal time and the chosen worship music includes new renditions of classic hymns as well as new songs written especially for Holy Week.
Here are the ways that your student can participate in Holy Week with Providence Students
- Providence Students Wednesday Night Live, 7:00 pm on YouTube & Instagram. This is for all our middle and high school students. Join us!
- Small groups continue to meet weekly online. We've been having incredible online small group meetings the past two weeks and we are looking forward to more. If your student hasn’t signed up for a small group, this is a great time to get plugged into one.
- Social Media. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. We go live daily on Instagram with Pastor Pierce and a student to read scripture and pray. We also post daily at 12:00 pm the following four items as a way to interact with students:
1. Scripture
- Monday: Luke 19.45-20.8
- Tuesday: Luke 20.1-40
- Wednesday:Luke 20.41 & 47 & Luke 22:1-6
- Thursday:Luke 22.7-46
- Friday: Luke 22.47 - 23.48 & John 19.1-37
- Saturday: Luke 23.50-56 & John 19.38-42
- Sunday: Luke 24 & John 20
2. Prayer Topic
- Monday: Medical professionals
- Tuesday: Caregivers
- Wednesday: Our country, its leaders, and those around the world
- Thursday: Youth and those who love them.
- Friday: Kids, parents, and teachers
- Saturday: Sabbath, a day of rest.
- Sunday: Providence Church Staff and Student Leaders
3. Worship Songs
- Monday: Ancient of Days
- Tuesday: Tis So Sweet
- Wednesday: Be Thou My Vision
- Thursday: We Will Wait for You
- Friday Last Words
- Saturday: God Rested
- Sunday: His Heart Beats
4. Writing Topic
- Monday: Non-profit groups helping our city in this time of need.
- Tuesday: Teachers
- Wednesday: Local business that have helped our community
- Thursday: City Officials
- Friday: Fire Department
- Saturday: Police Department
- Sunday: Other local church pastors in our area