Finding Blessings in Your Daily Routine
By Joy Dodge, Director of Connections

On Sunday, Pastor Jacob reminded us "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matthew 5.4
How do we find this comfort? We know that reading scripture and spending time in prayer are obvious ways to connect with God. What about in everyday, seemingly mundane tasks? The POY (Parents of Youth) small group shared how they are seeing God's blessings and finding comfort during those day-to-day tasks.
"The girls are taking on more responsibilities in the kitchen."
"There's been more laughter in our home."
"I've seen God's blessings in the way our neighborhood has banded together to help each other in big and small ways. I've felt closest to God during my daily walks."
"Being with family and seeing the compassion and selfless acts done on behalf of those in need."
Some days it is easy to see the obvious blessings right in front of us, and other days it takes practice to get in mindset of gratitude and thankfulness. It is okay to mourn, that is a part of life. We are all grieving in one way or another. We can hold grief and gratitude in the same hand. May we all take a deep breath, look around us, and pray for our eyes to be opened to the blessings around us.