Do You See the Kingdom Images Building Here?
By Regina Girten

This week Pastor Mark said, "Do you see the Kingdom images building here? His kingdom has overcome the kingdoms of this world. Even when it doesn’t look like it. Because I know sometimes it doesn’t look like it."
You may feel like it's been hard to see the Kingdom of God at work these last few weeks. Or maybe, you have seen it in abundant ways. Many of you have been wearing ashes upon your forehead and, perhaps, you've felt covered up by them. And also, the sun is shining. And also, the birds are still fly through the air. And also, stirring around us is some sort of opportunity for us to live differently than we ever have before.
Before it is too far away from us, I would like to capture some of the ways in which you have been serving. And, capture the Kingdom images you have seen building before you. Capturing your experiences allows us to lean into how God may be calling us to continue bringing the Kingdom of God here and now in our community. It allows us to exchange our ashes for a crown of beauty.
Last week, you were encouraged to journal about the ways in which you have been in service during this matter how big or how small, they all fit together for God's glory. Would you be willing to share these Kingdom images with us? If so, please email me, Pastor Regina.
Take courage. As you step through Holy Week, fully experience the sadness you need in order to honor your story and where God has guided you. But do not be overcome. Jesus has conquered the greatest defeat. There is joy that will come on Easter morning. We need it all. The joy, the sorrow, the serving, the solitude. They all fit together in who God has called us to be in this world.
Love and Light of Christ,
Pastor Regina