A Child-like Faith
By Lindsay Williamson

There was dancing, songs of praise, and joyous laughter. Crowds joining in celebrations. Groups of friends gathering for dinner. Then quickly things changed. Confusion. Tears. Chaos. Denial. Fear.
Do these words remind us of the followers of Jesus from Palm Sunday, to the cross to the resurrection? Do these words bring a parallel to our world in this present moment? As the disciples had no clue what God was doing on Friday, so, too, we cannot understand what God is up to at the moment. On the other side of the cross, the disciples believed and celebrated victory in the resurrection. On Easter, we too celebrate the miracle of the empty tomb and that God was doing something eternally good. Let us trust in the same victory of the unconditional, powerful love of God as he walks us through this wilderness experience.
As parents, we have the rich opportunity to watch first hand the child-like faith that Jesus spoke of in Luke 18.16-17 when Jesus said,
... “Let the little children come to me,” he said. “Don’t keep them away. God’s kingdom belongs to people like them. What I’m about to tell you is true. Anyone who will not receive God’s kingdom like a little child will never enter it.”
In the very presence of our own home, now so more than ever, lies the blessed gift of time with our children to slow down and witness this child-like faith in the eyes of our own precious children. A gift is given to us even in the midst of a suffering world. Much like the greatest gift ever given was given to a hurting world through the cross. In this holy week, we can share in the stories that define our faith and hear from our own children the child-like faith that believes. May we together embrace this journey to the cross together, believing with a child-like faith in an Easter Sunday victory.
During this Holy Week, Providence KIDS will be posting readings from the Jesus Storybook Bible beginning Wednesday evening, the time that the Passover tradition begins. Daily readings will be posted along with suggested activities for you to engage in during this holy week. Please look for these readings to be on our social media platforms (Facebook: ProvKIDS and Instagram: prov_kids)
And now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be near you to defend you, within you to refresh you, around you to protect you, before you to guide you, behind you to justify you, and above you to bless you. Amen.