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The Care Ministry at Providence Church works to help connect our church family and community with mental health resources. This includes referrals to mental health professionals, as well as pastoral counseling. We work together to bring emotional wellness and family support to our congregation and community.

Important: This service is not intended for immediate crisis needs. If you are concerned about your safety or the safety of a loved one, call 911 or visit the nearest emergency room right away.

Important Financial Information

Many of the professionals who we refer to are out-of-network providers and may not accept insurance. Please direct insurance-related questions to each individual provider.

Confidentiality Statement

All information pertaining to mental health and mental health counseling are held in strict confidence.  There are certain situations that we are ethically and legally bound to report. The pastors and Director of Care at Providence Church are required by law to report child abuse, elder abuse, neglect or suspicion thereof to the proper authorities.

We reserve the right to disclose to the appropriate person, agency, or authorities  any harm that a person may attempt or desires to attempt to one’s self or others.

Submit A Counseling Request